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C o n c e r t s and E v e n t s

August 21, 2017

First day of School
School year begins.

South Miami Middle Community School, South Miami, FL

September 12, 2017

Parent Booster Meeting

It takes a village to raise a child.  Interested parents attend to provide input and share in communications.
Chorus Room, 7-204, South Miami Middle School

September 12-15, 2017

Based off of their initial baseline scores, students were selected to participate in All-State.  This rehearsal is for their preparation. Monday through Friday will be from 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

All-State Rehearsal, select students
Chorus Room, 7-204, South Miami Middle School

September 16, 2017

All-State Auditions, #1 and #2

Select students attend to take an individual theory and sight-reading test.
Westminster Christian School, Miami, FL

October 17, 2017

Parent Booster Meeting

It takes a village to raise a child.  Interested parents attend to provide input and share in communications.
Chorus Room, 7-204, South Miami Middle School

October 21, 2017

All-State Audition #3

Students who passed auditions #1 and #2 will continue to the last portion of the test.

Florida Christian, All morning, Free, Florida Christian School

October 26, 2017

Coffee House

A cumulative and collaborative effort of the entire choral program featuring popular songs.
Cafeteria @ 3:30 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School

October 27, 2017

Men's Day

All male students interested in participating an all-day workshop for developing the male voice!

Auditorium, TBA, TBA, Miami Sr. High School


November, 2017

Turkey Dinner Donations
In conjunction with the school's National Junior Honor Society, students collected canned goods and 10 turkey, donated to families in need of South Miami Middle School.
Donations were collected and distributed at South Miami Middle School

November 2-4, 2017

ACDA Men's Choir

Selected students will  participate in the Choral Festival hosted by the ACDA.
Florida Seminole College, Sanford, FL

November 14, 2017

Booster Parent Meeting

It takes a village to raise a child.  Interested parents attend to provide input and share in communications.
Chorus Room, 7-204, South Miami Middle School

November 15, 2017

Mock Evaluations
A preparatory and culminatory performance, invitation only, mock evaluation. 
Ronald Reagan Doral Sr. High @ 6:00 PM, Free, Doral, FL

November 17, 2017

Thanksgiving Distributions

Students will distribute the collected food items for donation to families in need.

South Miami Middle School

November 8, 2017

Dress Rehearsal

Preparations for Homecoming Concert will be made

Closed rehearsal, performance attire not required, Auditorium, South Miami Middle School

November 9, 2017

Homecoming Concert

Concert featuring alumni from Coral Reef Senior High, South Miami Sr. High and New World School of the Arts

Auditorium @ 7:00 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School

November 22, 2017

Fall Recess

Thanksgiving preparations and time with family.

No School, South Miami Middle School

December 1, 2017

Caroling Competition
Concert Choir competing against other local choirs
Merrick Festival @ 9:30 PM, Free, 550 Biltmore Way, Caroling Competition

December 5, 2017

Caroling Competition Winner's Circle

Concert of just the winners, performance invitation only, from the illustrious Merrick Festival Caroling Competition.
550 Biltmore Way @ 7:00 PM, Free, Coral Gables, FL

December 7, 2017

Coffee House

A cumulative and collaborative effort of the entire choral program featuring winter and holiday favorites
Cafeteria @ 3:30 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School

December 13, 2017

A cumulative and collaborative effort of the entire choral program
Auditorium, closed rehearsal, performance attire not required, South Miami Middle School

Winter Concert Dress Rehearsal

December 14, 2017

Winter Concert

A cumulative and collaborative effort of the entire choral program
Auditorium @ 7:00 PM, $7.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School

December 19, 2017

Yankee Swap

A gift exchange involving the Wildcat Choir members.

Chorus Room @ 3:30 PM, $5.00 gift, South Miami Middle School

December 21, 2017

Concert with Coral Reef Senior High

Concert where the Mixed Choir is the featured choir for performance
Auditorium, 7:00 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, Coral Reef Senior High School

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