C o n c e r t s
October 30, 2014
Coffee House
A cumalative and collaborative effort of the entire choral program featuring popular songs.
Cafeteria @ 3:30 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School
November, 2014
Turkey Dinner Donations
In conjunction with the school's National Junior Honor Society, students collected canned goods and 10 turkey, donated to families in need of South Miami Middle School.
Donations were collected and distributed at South Miami Middle School
November 7, 2014
FIU Workshop
Culminating Concert with FIU and other invited choirs.
Wertheim Performing Arts Center @ 7:00 PM, Free, Florida International University
November 12, 2014
Magnet Showcase
Concert featuring a presentation of all of the magnet strands, each for approximately 10 minutes.
Auditorium @ 7:00 PM, Free, reservations required, South Miami Middle School
November 13, 2014
Mock Evaluations
A preperatory and culminatory performance, invitation only, mock evaluation.
Ronadl Reagan Doral Sr. High @ 6:00 PM, Free, Doral, FL
November 18, 2014
Homecoming Concert
Concert featuring alumni from Coral Reef Senior High, South Miami Sr. High and New World School of the Arts
Auditorium @ 7:00 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School
November 20, 2014
Coffee House
A cumalative and collaborative effort of the entire choral program featuring popular songs.
Cafeteria @ 3:30 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School
December 3, 2014
Caroling Competition
Concert Choir competiting against other local choirs
Merrick Festival @ 9:30 PM, Free, 550 Biltmore Way
December 5, 2014
Concert with New World School of the Arts
Concert where the Concert Choir is the featured choir for performance
Sanctuary @ 7:00 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, Trinity Cathedral
December 9, 2014
Caroling Competition Winner's Circle
Concert of just the winners, performance invitation only, from the illustrious Merrick Festival Caroling Competition.
550 Biltmore Way @ 7:00 PM, Free, Coral Gables, FL
December 11, 2014
Winter Concert
A cumalative and collaborative effort of the entire choral program
Auditorium @ 7:00 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School
December 17, 2014
Yankee Swap
A gift exchange involving the Wildcat Choir members.
Chorus Room @ 3:30 PM, $5.00 gift, South Miami Middle School
December 18, 2014
Coffee House
A cumalative and collaborative effort of the entire choral program featuring winter and holiday favorites
Cafeteria @ 3:30 PM, $5.00 entrance fee, South Miami Middle School